Edison: new spaces and new ways of working
On June 15th, Edison inaugurated a new multifunctional space obtained from the transparent cover and the partial demolition of the pavement of a courtyard in the historic Milan headquarter.
On June 15th, Edison inaugurated a new multifunctional space obtained from the transparent cover and the partial demolition of the pavement of a courtyard in the historic Milan headquarter.
Beretta Associati is part of the winning design team of the Marina Jinshan masterplan, 723 hectares of coastline in one of Shanghai’s districts.
Ridurre i costi e i tempi di costruzione nel social housing significa dare il via libera ad un portafoglio di circa 10mila nuovi appartamenti.
Zegna Manuals: here’s an example of how the digitization of processes and their graphic transposition has taken away warmth from projects of designers and architects
Philippe Daverio leads a walking tour through the streets and squares of Milan, with Gianmaria and Roberto Beretta, owners of Beretta Associati.
Project for Velodromo Maspes Vigorelli – signed together with Scandurra Studio – aims to redefine the structure of the velodrome, working on the space outside, on the structure and on the velodrome itself.